Are you ready to be FREE NOW?

You have choices to take one step at a time or dive deep into the journey.


Your journey home


Your Journey Home is a 8 week 1-1 sacred container, where you will step into your “ I AM” Powerhouse self who is ready to reclaim your highest purpose now as you find your unique expression. In this container, you will explore having a powerful relationship between you, your knowing and your body where all of you is present.

You get to own your personal sense of freedom and do it with unconditional support from your inner guides, ancestors, and all relations in your life. 

It takes unbelievable courage to show up in your human jumpsuit every day. You will be given practical and customized somatic healing tools along with sound activations to catalyze your personal transformative journey, so you can stop holding on so tight and start living EXPANSION.

Are you ready to say YES to you now?

Single Soul Activation Healing Session


In this 60-min Soul Activation healing session you will BREAK FREE from a specific issue that is keeping you stuck in pain and suffering! 

It's time to reclaim your confidence, self trust, clarity and live a life of purpose.

I bring my gifts as an energy healer, akashic records reader & empowerment coach to guide you in recognizing themes, stories, labels and identities that hold you back.

I will guide you to open your awareness and perspectives in such a way that your heart will soften, and your body will remember what it Ig you crave ease and flow so you to can simply BE in connection with all of you, this is for YOU!

I am in for my soul activation!

The joy-ful YOU journey


In "The Joy-ful YOU Journey," we join hands for 6 months.

You're ready to step into the infinite possibilities of joy & empowerment for so you can receive in your body as you free yourself from constrictive patterns + core beliefs that hold you back from living your life on purpose

You will form a new level of connection with your ancestors & guides as you tap into your intuitive gifts and learn to bring your sacred relationship with Spirit full-heartedly into your daily life.

This sacred container will allow you to create space within yourself as you discover why you're here and learn how to become your own best healer to yourself by applying hands-on healing modalities including Qi-gong, breathwork, sound activations, re-wiring your brain and so much more.

Master your thoughts, learn to enjoy being in your body, and claim your power NOW!

Iā€™m ready to ACTIVATE my gifts

Alex Street, Personal Coach

Julie Tran, Freedom Coach


Lisa Seery, Investing & Wealth Mentor


Alex Street, Personal Coach


Julie Tran, Freedom Coach


You feel safe in your body and are SEEN, EMBODIED and  UNSTOPPABLE.

You Value yourself so much that you no longer put others in front of you.

You trust your intuition and make decisions from your solid knowing.

You clearly and confidently express yourself with total GRACE & EASE.


What if you decided to OWN your BIGNESS, Claim  your POWER  & own  your  gifts NOW?

I am ready to claim my magnificence!

What if your life was easy,

flowing and joy-filled?